What's Hot and What's Not

What's Hot Christmas FMUnlike everywhere else in the world, Christmas doesn't begin in mid-July at Christmas FM. Waiting until now before unleashing twenty-four hours of Christmas cheer for the next few weeks, it is possibly the happiest radio station of all time and it won't have gotten old by the time Christmas actually arrives. Hurrah! The Return of Fade StreetFade Street has been criticised for embracing the Internet by releasing five 'webisodes' of the show on the RTÉ Player website before airing on the actual tellybox. It has defended itself by saying it's trying to be down with the kids or something, but really, we don't care. We just know Fade Street is back and we here at Otwo are hoping Wexford Paul gets some serious airtime. Milka DaimCombining delicious Swiss chocolate with Daim bars was a genius decision by the Chocolate Gods, or whoever it is that decides these things. It's like a normal Daim, except all the extra chocolate means there's less sexy sticking-to-your-teeth action. The bigger bars of it are only €1.29 in Spar at the moment too. Om nom nom, win. What's Not Exam time in the libraryAs if the library wasn't already the place where happiness goes to die, the run up to exams adds extra annoyances that make dragging yourself there a fate worse than death. Well, maybe. People hogging plugs while they take a three hour lunch, people who don't shower, people who have the mad chats with anyone they've ever met eyes with before, people who listen to music far too loud – all of you, get out.The break in Grey's AnatomyIf you're not a complete pleb waiting around for RTÉ to get their act in gear, you will already know what happened in the saddest episode of Grey's Anatomy since Denny died. However, you may not know that you'll have to wait until January for a conclusion to the cliffhanger ending. January. Ah now lads. What are we supposed to do with our sleepy Friday mornings? So inconsiderate.Queue systems in Pulse Cafe and Readers CafeYou'd be completely justified in leaving grabbing lunch until well after the 1 o'clock rush to avoid trying to navigate your way to the type of food you want in Pulse and Readers. With so many different queues, they've found it necessary to employ a person to organise people into the right queue – we just want lunch, not to have to find our way through a maze.