UCDSU have ended their tent protest amid fears that it is “too cold” outside. Speaking to The Harpy, UCDSU President Siewierska stated “It’s very very cowd outside” and that some students are “Afwaid of the dark”. DCUSU have also engaged in tent action, but so far only UCCSU and NUIGSU have had the balls to actually sleep in the tents overnight.
This is the latest move by UCDSU, who are engaging in a series of radical actions to oppose the 12% rent increase proposed by UCD president Andrew Deeks. Speaking to The Harpy, Deeks stated “There’s only three or four of these bastards. Heck, I’ve taken more chaps in a bar fight in Perth than the SU can rally”.
Ruairí Power of Fix Our Education made a speech saying “We are vewy angwy at this decision”, going on to say “We are pwetending to have a camp out so that we can be interviewed by media and act as powiticians”.
Last week, UCDSU held a “Sit-in” protest outside a meeting of UCD’s Governing Authority. When asked why the didn’t actually sit inside the room, Campaigns and Engagement Officer Katie O’Dea stated that “We might get in troubuw”, adding “20-something year owd Sabbats cannot be responsibu for reaw powiticw action”. When pressed on this point she added “Think of our caweers”.
UCDSU have promised a serious political action on the 4th of March. Sources close to The Harpy have confirmed that the SU are planning on singing “kumbaya” outside Deeks’ office until either the rent hike is reversed, or they forget the words.