UCDSU Election 2021: Graduate race analysis

Gummerson demonstrates a clear understanding of what is involved in being a Graduate Officer and the governing structures involved.

Her manifesto is ambitious, but practical and has overarching themes of building a relationship between the postgraduate student and the SU. 

Gummerson has demonstrated that she listens to students as she acknowledges in her manifesto that the "Shut Up and Write" Sessions were a student's idea. She has also shown an understanding of how to make certain events appeal to postgraduates. 

Gummerson has a concrete idea on how to conduct the “Shut Up and Write” Sessions and the Postgraduate Month. She has already done some homework on how these sessions and events will be conducted, having already reached out to the relevant people and organizations and how to budget for these events. But she seems a little unsure on how to conduct the sessions, the Postgraduate Month and the day trips should restrictions still be in place. 

Having already done great work to increase places for the PhD conference fund by 15 places, it is disappointing that she is only aiming for 5 more places. But she chalks this incremental increase due to the budget being taken by Postgraduate Month and the day trips. She could also further work on ideas on how to campaign for causes she has mentioned in her manifesto. 

Gummerson is a reliable candidate with a great understanding of the role coupled with her vast knowledge of how the UCDSU is run and ambitious ideas. With her victory a near certainty, graduate students can expect, at the very least, competent and experienced representation.