UCD Students’ Union president Feargal Hynes has described police behaviour at a protest at Warwick University as ‘deeply concerning’. Video showing police using CS spray and the discharge of a taser into the air has emerged after they were called to investigate an assault on campus at an anti-tuition fees protest.Video: Warwick Free-Ed“It’s incredibly inappropriate”, said Hynes after viewing video from the event. “You’d hope students would have a say in how their campus is run – the scenes are worrying and it’d be sad to see students afraid to protest”.Warwick Students Union released a statement yesterday afternoon regarding the activity of the police. “While the full facts surrounding the incidents are still being established, the use of CS spray, excessive physical force and the threat of tasering is unprecedented on our campus, and the footage captured by students in attendance last night is deeply disturbing”.An inquiry by the West Midlands Police’s Professional Standards Department has been launched as well as a petition that has gained over 2000 signatures. The petition calls for an apology and an immediate review of the how the university engages with the police.A demonstration attend by over 500 people took place on Warwick’s campus yesterday (Thursday) as well as a sit-in protest of a faculty building on Friday afternoon.