It is the understanding of The University Observer that a recruitment moratorium handed down by the Higher Education Authority has been operating but recruitment was taking place in certain cases.The email issued guidelines for positions advertised that had not yet scheduled interviews, stating that those interviews were not to be held until the end of the recruitment pause in January 2011.For positions in which interviews had already been scheduled, the email stated: “For posts where interviews have scheduled or have occurred, recruitment will proceed unless the Head of Unit, in anticipation of likely budget cuts, indicates to UCD HR that the recruitment process should stop.”The email stated that recruitment has been paused “other than in a small number of exceptional cases.” It also stated: “The University will continue to advertise and recruit posts in the following categories: Contract clinical leadership posts in areas such as Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Nursing; Contract teaching posts in the School of Business; Externally funded posts, such as research posts; Contract posts to cover maternity leave.”The email also referred to contract renewals as part of recruitment policies: “We will update you on the status of this recruitment pause, and the process to deal with renewal of contract positions, in the near future.”A spokesperson for UCD was unavailable for comment at the time of going to press.