The food bank set up by the Students Union of University College Cork ran out of foodafter 50 minutes on Wednesday, October 6th.
UCCSU’s welfare officer Caoimhe Walsh told The Irish Examiner that the SU had not operated
the food bank since 2019 and it is planning on keep it open for the rest of the year. The food
bank gives students access to non-perishable food items. It is especially important for students
who are struggling to support themselves through college with grants, scholarships, and part-time
jobs due to expensive college fees and high rents.
The food bank opened its doors yesterday and ran out of food in less than an hour. More than
100 students – both Irish and international – received items at the food bank, however, many of
them had to be turned away due to lack of supplies. “50 minutes in we’ve run out of food and
have had to turn students away. Heartbreaking to not have enough and to see so many students
experiencing food insecurity”, Student Union President Asha Woodhouse tweeted.
Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire, Sinn Féin’s spokeperson on education said that “students are under
severe financial pressure. Whether it's the fees, transport, or accommodation, the cost of studying is crippling most ordinary workers and families.A decade of under-funding of third-level
education has pushed more and more costs onto students, and has commercialised many aspects
of higher education and college life”, The Irish Examiner reports.
UCCSU set up a GoFundMe page to help students, the money raised will be spent on the
purchase of food and essential products that will directly support students who need it through
the food bank. The fundraiser received more than €7,000 in 12 hours after the food bank ran out
of supplies. In addition, the SU will continue to accept food and hygiene products donations at
their offices.