Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022 released

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022 were published on September 2nd, including more than 1,600 universities in 99 countries and regions.

The rankings analysis is based on thirteen performance indicators that measure the organization’s performance in four areas: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international perspective. The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022 analysis highlights the following: China has two institutions in the top 20 and the fifth higher number of universities in the top 200, the United States is the most represented country with 183 higher education institutions. 

 This year’s results show how the pandemic is beginning to change the performance of global higher education institutions, and shape the pathway they will follow for the next few years. Universities that published high-impact research on Covid-19 went up in the rankings, with Chinese universities becoming the most rewarded institutions. 

According to Simon Marginson, Higher Education Professor at the University of Oxford, universities researching coronaviruses will receive an ongoing boost from that fact, although its impact on research performance will plateau. This branch of research will be increasingly competitive in future, partly because the commercial competition (vaccines) will increase over time”.

University College Dublin is ranked in the 201-250 band, moving from the 251-300 ranking it received last year The institution's performance received the following scores per indicator: 32.2 in teaching, 39.0. in research, and 71.8 in knowledge transfer. According to THE Rankings, UCD’s performance in the international outlook indicator is its strongest, being rewarded with a 93.6 score.