Students vote to Re-Open nominations in all uncontested UCDSU Sabbatical Elections

A Re-Open Nominations (RON) win opens the position to be re contested in a by-election.

This result means that the positions of President, Campaigns and Engagement Officer, and Welfare Officer will now be decided by by-election in week 12. In the only contested race, Martha Ni Riada beat both RON and Darragh Kane O’Toole to the position of Education Officer.

 This follows a social media campaign spearheaded by the anonymous UCD Confessions page on Instagram, which called for a RON vote in all races to express dissatisfaction with the lack of candidates. In posts explaining their reasons for a RON vote, the page made several misleading or untrue statements to their 18.6 thousand followers, including an assertion that UCDSU had "promised microwaves in every building".

In the non-sabbatical elections, Robin Jowett won the position of Law College officer with 98 votes, beating Aisling Maloney, who finished with 62 votes. The race for Science College officer was won by uncontested candidate Ryan Corley with 207 votes.  None of the other positions had valid candidates, meaning that all college officer positions save for Law and Science, and the position of Irish Language Officer, will be decided by a by-election.


RON: 887

Molly Greenough: 824


RON: 862

Míde Nic Fhionnlaoich: 826


RON: 846

Ciara Moroney: 840


The quota for this race was 873. 

1st count:

RON: 630

Martha Ní Riada: 690

Darragh Kane O’Toole: 424

Darragh Kane O’Toole was eliminated after the first count

2nd count: 

RON: 642

Martha Ní Riada: 749

Campaigns and Engagement:

RON: 870

Robyn O’Keeffe: 815

Science College Officer: 

Ryan Corley: 207

RON: 200

Law College Officer: 

Aisling Maloney: 62

Robin Jowett: 98

RON: 34