Student Council Passes Motions for Free Pregnancy Tests and Abortion Information

At SU student council last night motions were passed which should widen the availability of pregnancy tests and abortion information on campus.A motion was passed for the Welfare Officer Eoghan Mac Domhnaill to give out free pregnancy tests. Mac Domhnaill himself was supportive of the motion and it passed almost unanimously.Another motion was passed for the Campaigns and Communications Officer along with the Students’ Union Communication Team to produce a pamphlet containing abortion information.  The motion was discussed at length during council in which some asked if the information should be only published online.This motion may be a response to the removal of abortion information from the Winging It handbook.It would be the sole responsibility of the Campaigns and Communications (C&C) Officer to distribute the pamphlets containing abortion information. It is possible that if current C&C Officer Barry Murphy succeeds in becoming President of the Students’ Union that the role of C&C Officer may be left vacant for the second semester.Other motions were passed at last night’s student council. A motion was passed to promote halal, kosher, vegetarian, and vegan food across campus. A similar motion was passed last year. The Students’ Union cannot make private companies on campus produce or label particular food, but can change what food is served, and how it is promoted in the SU shops.Motions were passed for wider availability of full lecture notes and wider access to learning supports. A motion also passed for members of the Student Council to say their pronouns before speaking, at their discretion. Many members of council followed up on this motion immediately.