Peak of the Week: Eyes on the Doughnut, Rather than the Hole

Image Credit: Peak of the Week

In the wake of David Lynch’s death, there has been an outpouring of absolute love shown towards him and his works.

From screenings of his movies run by our very own FilmSoc, all the way to the heartfelt expressions of love coming from just about everybody who’s worked with him, it’s been truly lovely to see the love for David Lynch. Of course, the loss of Lynch is tragic, and the world makes less sense without him in it. However, seeing such widespread acclaim and adoration for a filmmaker whose special idiosyncrasies permeated his films, whose art was a bit absurd yet touching, fills me with some kind of hope. 

Across his work, Lynch’s guiding principle always seemed to be that of kindness. Even while exploring the darkness of humanity, there never appears to be an exploitative underlay to his perspective. This is something so rare and precious in Hollywood - and his voice is so deeply refreshing as a result. 

It’s perhaps not what would be typically described as a “peak,” because the love that we’ve seen towards Lynch is in response to his loss. But, to paraphase Lynch himself, we’re keeping our eyes on the doughnut, rather than the hole.