Last Monday, Owen Keegan, and his cabal of brownshorted lunatics, seized the Dublin City Council buildings in an early morning coup. Addressing the crowd which had gathered outside of the Council buildings, Owen Keegan said that he was sick and tired of backroom dealings in order to get elected beyond his mandate. “We shall rid this council of the corruption which allowed a crook like me to get re-elected” he added.
The Brownshorts were jubilant at their success in seizing the council building. “All hail the incompetent incontintent!”, they cheered loudly as Keegan did laps of honour. The historic coup comes after decades of calls to de-democratise Dublin City Council and to centralise its power structures.
Owen Keegan spoke to The Harpy to outline his vision for the fair city during his formidable reign. “We will be removing all tents from the city immediately. It may not be the popular thing to do but it's the only thing that's given me a natural erection in the last 30 years.”
The Harpy sought out the regular jackeens opinion on the radical coup. “As long as he doesn’t make the buses run on time, I’ll be content in my misery.”