UCDSU 2024 Executive Elections - Sabbatical Officer Race analysis
Students' Union Affairs
UCD students set to vote on two controversial referenda during Executive Elections
UCDSU Executive Elections: Welfare Candidate Shauna Young
UCDSU Executive Elections: Welfare Candidate Jacob Miller
UCDSU Executive Elections: Welfare Candidate Ciara Donohue
Stage 3 General Nursing, SU mental health campaigns coordinator and current secretary for UCD's LGBTQ society is seeking to become UCD's next Welfare Officer. Her campaign is built upon an ethos of collaboration, increased support for students and striking the right balance between case work and campaigns.…
UCDSU Executive Elections: College Officers and Oifigeach na Gaeilge
Several candidates have put themselves forward for the different College Officers positions, while the Oifigeach na Gaeilge race is uncontested.…
UCDSU Executive Elections: Entertainments Candidate Daniel Devey
Stage 2 Archeology & History Daniel Devey is one of two candidates for the position of Entertainment Officer in the 2024 Executive Elections.…
UCDSU Executive Elections: Entertainments Candidate Neo O'Herlihy
Current Entertainments and Events Officer, Neo O’Herlihy is running for a second term for the same position in this year’s UCDSU Executive Elections…
UCDSU Executive Elections: Education Candidate Tia Cullen
UCDSU Executive Elections: Education Candidate Naomhán Mhaonaigh
UCDSU Executive Elections: Campaigns & Engagement Candidate Saskia McCormack-Eiffe
UCDSU Executive Elections: Graduate Candidate Simon Van Beek
UCDSU Executive Elections: Graduate Candidate Kylie McCardel
UCDSU 2024 Executive Elections: Hustings Day 1
The Great Donate Initiative Back Ahead of the New Term
SU Elections see all unopposed candidates elected, Bauer beats Corley to C&E position
SU Elects: UCDSU to hold Referendum on Constitutional Reform
UCDSU has recently proposed a number of reforms to its governing document; the SU Constitution…
Consultative Referendum: UCDSU’s future drug policy
UCDSU are running a Consultative vote alongside their Executive Elections and Referenda this election cycle, to gauge student response to current and future drug policy…