It's the start of a new academic year, what is in store for you?
Aries: Practice loving others from a place of honesty. It's time to put down your mask and embrace your own vulnerability.
Taurus: Try to strike a balance - in work, in your relationships, and in yourself. You have all the tools that you need to thrive.
Gemini: Trust your intuition, even if it means you have to change route. Remember, a setback isn't a failure.
Cancer: Acknowledge how far you've come from where you began. You will never regret being kind.
Leo: Allow yourself some downtime. Rest and relaxation will make you more productive in the long run.
Virgo: It's time to have a difficult conversation. Clarity will heal the wounds that doubt has inflicted upon you.
Libra: You have to save yourself before saving anyone else. Let yourself become your priority for a change.
Scorpio: It's human nature to crave connection and closeness. You don't have to be self-sufficient all the time.
Sagittarius: Give yourself permission to follow your impulses. Don't take yourself so seriously - appearance isn't everything.
Capricorn: Keep pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone. The risk of failure is worth the reward of new experiences.
Aquarius: You'll notice everything will fall into harmony, but don't become complacent. Time and dedication are required from you to maintain the goodness in your life.
Pisces: Be aware that your actions impact others in ways you might not always expect. Take some time to reflect.