The Wonder Years – January 28th – The Workman’s ClubThe Wonder Years return to Dublin after the release of their critically acclaimed album, No Closer To Heaven, in 2015. They’ll be playing The Workman’s Club on January 28th. The Wonder Years are a pop punk band from Pennsylvania that have been around since 2005 and in those twelve years have released five albums, with a sixth due later this year according to their recent Hot Press mention. Their recent album was described as pop punk and alternative, which is an image they’ve kept right from the beginning.
Fangclub – February 4th – Whelan'sDublin based punk rockers Fangclub take to the hallowed grounds of Whelan's to celebrate the release of their latest EP, ‘Dreamcatcher’. The band, who were interviewed in OTwo last issue, have quickly and deservedly built a reputation for being an exhilarating live band, working in tandem with the already upbeat and punchy nature of their studio releases. Considering how fast the band’s popularity has grown over the last year it’s a safe bet to assume that this may be one of the last times you could catch the group in such intimate settings. At a mere €13 a ticket this gig should be a must see for those who like some dirt in their catchy choruses. Bonus points awarded because you know there’ll be a great disco upstairs after the gig with free-in for ticket holders.Frightened Rabbit – February 5th – The AcademyMaybe your ears are still ringing from Fangclub the night before or maybe you like your tunes a little more relaxed in general, but head on over to catch Frightened Rabbit in the Academy. The Scottish folk group are touring the release of their latest album, Painting of a Panic Attack, and considering the quality interwoven throughout the entirety of that release, this gig should be high on your priorities list. Higher than buying the core texts for your new modules anyway. Tickets are priced at €26.50, which may seem like a leap for a band you may not have heard of but trust us on this one. With nearly 14 years of touring and recording experience Frightened Rabbit are a group at the peak of their creative prowess and come with a high recommendation from OTwo. You can thank us later for it.