Engineering & Architecture College Officer By-Election

During the by-elections taking place this week, students of engineering and architecture will be voting for their College Officer.Running uncontested for the position is Conor Flannery, a second year student of Structural Engineering with Architecture.Flannery's "main aim would be to reduce or remove the barrier between years in both schools so that students feel welcome to communicate with other students in other years if it's looking for help in a subject, support or just to have a chat!"Flannery acknowledges that "The past few weeks have been tough for the SU and students in UCD," and encourages students to have their say in the by-election. "I would fully encourage the students of UCD to read up, be informed and get out and use their valuable vote."A concern of Flannery's has been the visibility of the election for College Officer. Speaking to the University Observer he says that the position becoming vacant was not well advertised and Flannery was only aware that the previous College Officer was stepping down because he himself was a class rep and so received an official email.Flannery wants "students within the schools [of engineering and architecture] to know what's happening with their representation."Voting in the by-elections will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, November 22nd and 23rd.