Confusion remains over site of UCD Ball

Confusion continues to exist over where the annual end-of-year UCD Ball is to be located, due to the construction of the new Student Centre, along with the building of the Sutherland School of Law, eliminating the possibility of using the previous sites in which the event took place.There is also speculation that the date of the event might be moved from the previously set Holy Thursday to Wednesday, as a result of the closure of all nightclubs and pubs at midnight on Holy Thursday.The University Observer understands that fears are mounting over the security of the event if students remain on campus after the ball, but UCD Students’ Union Ents Officer Jonny Cosgrove is confident that it will not be an issue: “To be honest, I wouldn’t be planning on where I’m going after the UCD Ball, I’m planning on going to the UCD Ball. That’s it, it’s a day-long event, in my view they won’t need anywhere to go after.”Vice President for Students, Dr Martin Butler, told The University Observer: “It is an issue, and we’re currently planning around that issue.”Dr Butler added: “UCD supports the concept that at the end of an academic year, students should celebrate the success of the previous year.“We considered looking at hosting the Ball on the Wednesday, as opposed to the Thursday, but given that the academic year ends on the Thursday, and the [academic] calendar is published, it is not really an option to bring it forward to the Wednesday.”In terms of the location of the event, Cosgrove said: “Obviously on campus this year, we’re unlucky now – well, lucky I suppose – that the new Sutherland building is going up on the old spot and the building is also underway on the last spot as well for the new Student Centre, so I’m just trying to find a new spot at the moment.”Dr Butler also spoke of the location issue: “We’ve identified one or two possible locations. Those possible locations then have to go through the rigour of the planning process and the Garda vetting, just to ensure that the health and safety of all are provided for.”Cosgrove said of the security fears: “We’re working very closely with [UCD] Services and making sure that there is not issue with it.”There has as yet been little organisation for the event, yet Cosgrove is confident that all is under control in terms of planning: “I’ll have that hopefully finished up by the end of December.”While the acts have not yet been finalised for the ball, Cosgrove is planning on securing a high number of high profile performers: “It will be huge. It will be lots of fun, honestly.”