UCDSU Elections 2022: C&E officer Candidate Robyn O’Keeffe
University Observer Election Special

UCDSU By-Election 2022: C&E officer candidate Eoin Fagan
UCDSU By-Election 2022: Welfare candidate Darragh Kane O'Toole

UCDSU Elections 2022: Welfare officer Candidate Míde Nic Fhionnlaoich
UCDSU By-election 2022: Presidential candidate Molly Greenough
UCDSU By-Election 2022: Entertainments Officer candidate Ciara Moroney

UCDSU By-elections 2022: Entertainments Officer Candidate Josh Kerr Hanratty

UCDSU By-Elections 2022: Graduate Officer Candidate Amit Wasnik

UCDSU By-election 2022: Graduate Officer Candidate Matt Amenda

UCDSU By-election 2022: Graduate Officer Candidate Marc Matouc
Geopolitics and Global Economy MA student Marc Matouc is running for Graduate Officer. His manifesto is based on adaptability, meaning that, if elected, he aims to take on any new points that he feels are important during his time as officer.…

UCDSU Elections 2022: Welfare Candidate Míde Nic Fhionnlaoich
Current Mental Health Campaigns Co-ordinator and Welfare Officer candidate Míde Nic Fhionnlaoich hopes to continue her work with the SU in one of the most student-facing roles.…