UCDSU President and C&E officer collect signatures for USI membership referendum
UCDSU President and C&E officer collect signatures for USI membership referendum
New study highlights effects of education and higher wages in health of older adults
Eleven additional pop-up vaccination centres announced for college’s around the country.
Dolores Cahill no longer employed by UCD
UCD Spin-out company receives €595k in funding
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) publishes recommendations for national plan against racism.
Simon Harris announces €38 million fund for Higher Education Institutions
Record number of H1s from Leaving Certificate 2021 results
Walk-in vaccinations available in UCD O’Reilly Hall
The introduction of facilities such as Quiet Spaces and a sensory pod on itscampus sees them accredited as such by AsIAm, Ireland’s national autism charity.…
In a statement released this evening, Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) explains that the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) is considered reckonable income.…