With the rise of film adaptations, some will argue that a film must be lengthy if it is to accurately represent the book on which it is based. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King was the highest grossing film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and it is a staggering four hours and ten minutes long. If a film is good enough, people will watch it no matter the length.
Some will argue that a film must be lengthy if it is to accurately represent the book on which it is based.It is easy to look down on short Facebook or Instagram videos and deny their right to be considered forms of film. However, this new medium is not necessarily inferior; any new or experimental form of film should be encouraged. Vine first became popular because it offered a new and inventive form of filmmaking. It could be argued that these 60-second skits are the first steps towards ‘real’ filmmaking, i.e. the feature-length film. Basically, anything that encourages young people to make films and be creative is a good thing.Ultimately, films are not too long. Feature films have been hitting the ninety-minute mark since the 1950s and it does not appear to deter audiences. People are capable of enjoying short sketches as well as three-hour long epics. If you can’t sit through a two-hour movie without dozing off or leaving, you’re just watching the wrong film.