Album Review: Desert Sessions 11&12 - The Desert Sessions

Desert Sessions is the brainchild of Queens of The Stone Age’s Josh Homme. The idea is to take a bunch of musicians, many of whom have never met before, and put all of them in a studio in the Californian desert with the mission to let their creativity flow.

Desert Sessions is the brainchild of Queens of The Stone Age’s Josh Homme. The idea is to take a bunch of musicians, many of whom have never met before, and put all of them in a studio in the Californian desert with the mission to let their creativity flow. Desert Sessions gives them a chance to break the rules, free of genre barriers.

Homme is the common thread; performing on all of the songs. ‘Noses in Roses Forever’ and ‘Easier Said Than Done’, both written and sung by Homme, are essentially QOTSA songs. The other songs all stand completely on their own and have hardly any similarities with each other. ‘Move Together’ has ZZ Top’s Billy Gibbons singing over an odd drum loop, his voice far from its usual sound. The honour of the most bizarre song goes to ‘Chic Tweetz’, which may only be explained by the presence of a lot of alcohol in the studio.

In a Nutshell:

The result is an album full of surprises that leaves its listeners puzzled and wondering what they just experienced in the last half hour. It is worth giving it a second spin to more fully discover the charm it possesses.