Accommodation revenue to amount to €24 million by 2022/23

UCD Finance have projected that the overall revenue earned after the rental increases will be just under €24 million by the 2022/23 academic year.

These projections are based on the costs of the rooms currently available on campus and do not take into account the new residences currently under construction.

Figures obtained by The University Observer show that the cheapest accommodation available on campus by 2022, aside from Blackrock Halls, will be Belgrove and Merville, coming in at just under €8000 each. A room in either Belgrove or Merville currently costs €7,114. Alternatively, the most expensive accommodation, Roebuck Castle, which includes catering, will increase to around €12,200, a rise from the current price of €11,191. 

UCD plans to increase the number of student beds on campus by 2000 by 2024. Phase 1 involves the addition of 924 beds, the first of which will be available by September 2020. Phase 2 will add a further 1250, with completion estimated by 2024. In 2018/19, UCD gave discounts to a number of students living in on campus accommodation to compensate for noise disruption from the building works. According to the UCD website, these discounts will not apply for the upcoming years.  

It is unknown what the price for these new rooms will be, but alongside the announcement of the 4% annual increase, UCD revealed there would be an average of €1000 premium on these new rooms, on top of the accommodation cost.

Residence2019/20 Cost (€)2022/23 Cost (€)
Blackrock Halls6,3457,083.45
Roebuck Halls8,8159,861.86
Roebuck Castle11,19112,237.86